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6-1 Rogers, D. F., Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1985. (Cm. [1-1] на с. 74.)

6-2 Bezier P. E., Emploi des Machines a Commande Numerique, Masson et Cie, Paris, Prance, 1970; Bezier, P. E., «Example of an Existing System in the Motor Industry: The Unisurf System,» Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), Vol. A321, pp. 207-218, 1971.

6-3 Sabin, M. A., «An Existing System in the Aircraft Industry. The British Aircraft Corporation Numerical Master Geometry System,» Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), Vol. A321, pp. 197-205, 1971.

6-4 Peters, C. J., «Interactive Computer Graphics Application of the Bicubic Parametric Surface to Engineering Design Problems,» McDonnell Douglas Automation Company, St. Louis, Missouri, presented at SIAM 1973 National Meeting, Hampton, Va., 18-21 June 1973.

6-5 Rogers D. F., and Satterfield S. D., «Dynamic B-Spline Surfaces,» Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Applications in the Automation of Shipyard Operation and Ship Design (ICCAS 82), 7-10 June 1982, Annapolis, Maryland, pp. 189-196, North Holland, 1982.

6-6 Rogers, D. F., and Satterfield S. G., «В-Spline Surfaces for Ship Hull Design,» Соmp. Graph., Vol. 14, pp. 211-217, 1980, (SIGGRAPH 80).

6-7 Rogers, D. F., Rodriguez, F., and Satterfield, S. G., «Computer Aided Ship Design and the Numerically Controlled Production of Towing Tank Models,» Proc. of 16th Des. Auto. Conf., San Diego, California, 24-27 June 1979.

6-8 Cohen, E., «Some Mathematical Tools for a Modeler's Workbench,» IEEE Соmp. Graph. & Appl., Vol. 3, pp. 63-66, October 1983.

6-9 Tan, S. Т., Yuen, M. F., and Hui, К. C., «Modeling Solids with Sweep Primitives,» Соmp. Mech. Eng., Vol. 6, pp. 60-72, 1987.

6-10 Coquillart, S., «А Control-Point-Based Seeeping Techique,» IEEE Соmp. Graph. & Appl., Vol. 7, pp. 36-45, November 1987.

6-11 Patton, D., Dept. of Mech. and Prod. Engr., Royal Melbourne Inst, of Tech., Melbourne, Australia, private communication, 1988.

6-12 Dresden, A., Solid Analytic Geometry and Determinants, Dover Publications, New York, 1964.

6-13 Sommerville, D. M. Y., Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1959.

6-14 Snyder, V., and Sisam, С. H., Analytic Geometry of Space, Henry Holt and Co., New York, 1914.

6-15 Goldman, R. N., «Two Approaches to a Computer Model for Quadric Surfaces,» IEEE Соmp. Graph. & Appl., Vol. 3, pp. 21-24, September 1983.

6-16 Wilson, P. R., «Conic Representation for Shape Description,» IEEE Соmp. Graph. & Appl., Vol. 7, pp. 23-30, 1987.

6-17 Miller, J. R., «Geometric Approaches to Non-planar Quadric Surfaces Intersection Curves,» ACM Trans, on Graph., Vol. 6, pp. 274-307, 1987.

6-18 Dill, J. C., «An Application of Color Graphics to the Display of Surface Curvature,» Соmp. Graph., Vol. 15, pp. 153-161, 1981, (SIGGRAPH 81).

6-19 Coons, S., «Surfaces for Computer-Aided Design of Space Forms,» M. I. T. Proj. MAC, MAC-TR-41, June 1967. (Also as AD 663 504).

6-20 Ferguson, J. C., «Multivariable Curve Interpolation,» J. ACM, Vol. 2, pp. 221-228, April 1964.

6-21 Barnhill, R. E., «Smooth Interpolation over TVi angles,» in Computer Aided Geometric Design, Barnhill, R. E., and Riesenfeld, R. F. (eds.), Academic Press, New York, pp. 45- 70, 1974.

6-22 Barnhill, R. E., «Coons Patches,» Соmp. in Ind., Vol. 3, pp. 37-43, 1982.

6-23 Charrot, P., and Gregory, J., «А Pentagonal Surface Patch for Computer Aided Geometric Design,» Соmp. Aid. Geom. Des., Vol. 1, pp. 87-94, 1984.

6-24 Faux, I. D., and Pratt, M. J., Computational Geometry for Design and Manufacture, Ellis Horwood (John Wiley & Sons), 1979.

6-25 Вeziег, P. E., The Mathematical Basis of the Unisurf CAD System, Butterworth, London, 1986.

6-26 Barsky, B. A., and Greenberg, D. P., «Determining a Set of B-spline Control Vertices to Generate an Interpolating Surface,» Соmp. Graph. Imag. Proc., Vol. 14, pp. 203-226, 1980.

6-27 Rogers, D. F., and Fog, N. G., «Constrained B-spline Curve and Surface Fitting,» CADJ, Vol. 21, pp. 641-648, 1989.

6-28 Munchmeyer, F. C., Schubert, C., and Nowacki, H., «Interactive Design of Fair Hull Surfaces Using B-splines,» Proc. of the Third International Conference on Computer Applications in the Automation of Shipyard Operation and Ship Design (ICCAS 79), 18-21 June 1979, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, pp. 67-76, North Holland, 1979.

6-29 Munchmeyer, F. C., «The Gaussian Curvature of Coons Biquintic Patches,» Proc. ASME Century 2 Inter. Соmp. Tech. Conf., 12-15 August 1980.

6-30 Dill, J. C., «An Application of Color Graphics to the Display of Surface Curvature,» Соmp. Graph., Vol. 15, pp. 153-161, 1981, (SIGGRAPH 81).

6-31 Forrest, A. R., «On the Rendering of Surfaces,» Соmp. Graph., Vol. 13, pp. 253-259, 1979, (SIGGRAPH 79).

6-32 Dill, J. C., and Rogers, D. F., «Color Graphics and Ship Hull Surface Curvature,» Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Applications in the Automation of Shipyard Operation and Ship Design (ICCAS 82), pp. 197-205, North Holland, 1982.

6-33 Piegl, L., and Tiller, W., «Curve and Surface Constructions Using Rational B-splines,» Соmp. Aid. Des., Vol. 19, pp. 485-498, 1987.


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