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1.                     Aloimonos J., Rosenfeld A. A response to "Ignorance, myopia, and naivete in computer vision systems" by R. S. Jain and T. O. Binford // CVGIP: Image Understanding. 1991. Vol.53, no.1. p.120-124.

2.                     Jain R.S., Binford Т.О. Ignoranse, myopia, and naivete in computer vision systems // CVGIP: Image Understanding. 1991. Vol.53, no. 1. p.112-117.

3.                     Лебедев Д.С., Безрук A.A., Новиков B.M. Марковская вероятностная модель изображения и рисунка / АН СССР. Инт проблем передачи информации. Препр. M.: ВИНИТИ, 1983. 40 с.

4.                     Лебедев Д.С. Статистическая теория обработки видеоинформации: Учеб. пособ. M.: Моск. физ.-тех. ин-т, 1988. 80 с.

5.                     Derin H., Elliot H., Cristi R., Geman D. Bayes smoothing algorithm for segmentation of images modelled by Markov random fields // IEEE Trans, on Pattern Anal, and Machine Intell. 1984. Vol. PAMI-6, no.6. pp.707-720.

6.                     Geman S., Geman D. Stochastic relaxation, Gibbs Trans, on Pattern Anal. and Machine Intell 1984. Vol. PAMI-6, distributions, and the Bayesian restoration of images // IEEE no.6. pp.721-741.

7.                     Derin H., Cole W.S. Segmentation of textured images using Gibbs random fields // Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing. 1986. Vol.35, no.1. pp.72-98.

8.                     Besag J.E. On the statistical analysis of dirty pictures // J. of Royal Stat. Soc. 1986.- Vol.48 B, no.2. pp,259-302.

9.                     Derin H., Elliot H. Modelling and segmentation of noisy and textured images using Gibbs random fields // IEEE Trans, on Pattern Anal. and Machine Intell. 1987. Vol. PAMI-9, no.1. pp.39-55.

10.                 Varroquin J. Deterministic Bayesian estimation of Markovian random fields with applications to computations to computational vision / Proc. First Int. Conf. on Computer Vision" (June 8-11, 1987, London). Wash., D.C.: IEEE, 1987. pp.597-601.

11.                 Marroquin J., Mitter S., Poggio T. Prpbabilistic solution of ill-posed problems in computational vision // J. off the Amer. Stat. Ass. 1987. Vol.82, no.397. pp.76-89.

12.                 Гимельфарб Г. Л., Залесный A. B. Модели марковских случайных полей в задачах генерации и сегментации текстурных изображений // Средства интеллектуализации кибернетических систем : Сб. науч. Тр. Киев: Ин-т кибернетики им. В.М.Глушкова АН УССРб, 1989. С.27-36.

13.                 Gimel’farb G.L. Gibbs random fields and compound Bayesian decisions at the lower level o: digital image processing // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. 1991. Vol.1, no.1. pp.39-49.

14.                 Gimel’farb G.L., Zalesny A.V. Low-level Bayesian segmentation of piecewise-homogeneous !noisy and textured images // Int. J. of Imaging Systems and Technology. 1991. Vol3, no.3. pp.227-243.

15.                 Karssmeijer N. A relexation method for image segmentation using a spatially dependent stochastic model // Pattern Recognition Letters. 1990. Vol.1, no.1. pp.13-23.


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